Santa Noel


“Fairy tales say that apples were golden only to refresh the forgotten moment when we found that they were green. They make rivers run with wine only to make us remember, for one wild moment, that they run with water.” ― G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

Schedule a Magical visit from the Legendary Jolly ol’ Elf!

Home Parties, Zoom Calls,

Corporate Events & More

Home Parties

Nothing creates a stronger and longer lasting memory than having Santa show up at your house. This is one way to bring magic home, whether it’s just your family or a party with friends.


There are lots of special guest speakers to choose from, but what could be better than having Santa Claus himself show up to speak and answer all those hard questions everyone wants to ask?

Santa for any Event

Corporate Events

Santa is for kids of all ages, and there’s nothing better for your corporate Christmas than to have the man in red show up for photos, gift giving, or whatever your corporation needs.

Everything Else

From Zoom calls and video messages to Christmas parties in July, not even Santa Claus can know all the ways and places he may be needed!

Portraying Santa since 1976

Ten Reasons to Believe in Santa Claus…

“As long as there is innocence and wonder in the world, so too will there be Santa Claus. He exemplifies these precious qualities that keep alive the sweet, simple awareness of the benevolent powers that weave through the affairs of men.” – Sean Fitzpatrick

1) He's Real...

2) He's True...

3) He's Wonderful...

10) He's Delightful...

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